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Welcome to the virtual library of Robert Simons, where you can access articles, presentations, and much more authored by him and his associates. Please scroll downwards for a listing of available downloads, or use the lefthand menu to quickly jump to your area of interest.
Please note that downloads are intended for personal and academic use only.
"Green Office Buildings: A Qualitative Exploration of Green Office Building Attributes" (with Spenser Robinson and Eunkyu Lee), forthcoming, Journal of Sustainable Real Estate.
“"The Effect of Refinery Emissions on Residential Property Values in Texas City, Texas" (with Youngme Seo and Paul Rosenfeld) forthcoming, Journal of Real Estate Research
“"Effect of a Hog Farm on Residential Property Values" (with Youngme Seo and Spenser Robinson), Land Economics / Journal of Sustainable Real Estate joint Special issue on Contamination 6 1: 211-232 2014.
“"Chinese Investment in the US and the EB-5 Program" (with Jing Wu, Jie Xu, and Yu Fei), forthcoming Economic Development Quarterly, 2014.
“"Housing Satisfaction in Johannesburg, South Africa" (with Aly Karam and Jing Wu), Journal Of African Real Estate Research, 2013.
“"Fracking" (with Ron Throupe and Ms. Chen) Journal of Real Estate literature.2013
“"Debundling Property Rights In Contaminated Land: A Commercial Case Study" (with Ron Throupe), International Real Estate Review, (2012).
“"Community/Tribal Land Claims In Africa: A Survey" Journal of African Real Estate Research 2:1, 2012.
“"Professional Real Estate Activities And Academic Journal Importance Among African Scholars: A Snapshot Of The 2008 African Real Estate Society Meeting" (with Aly Karam) Journal of African Real Estate Research 2:1, 2012.
“"Residential Value Halos: The Effect Of A Jewish Orthodox Campus On Residential Property Values" (with Youngme Seo) International Real Estate Review, 2012.
“"A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Environmental Contamination on Non-Residential Real Estate Values" (with Ron Throupe and Jesse Saginor) Journal of Property Investment and Finance. (2011)
"Determining Offsite Damages to Non-residential property From Leaking Underground Storage Tanks" (with Jesse Saginor) International Real Estate Review 13 2 p 134-156 (2010)
“Use of Contingent Valuation Analysis in A Developing Country: Market Perceptions of Contamination on Johannesburg’s Mine Dumps” (with Aly Karam, Jesse Saginor and Hlengani Baloyi), International Real Estate Review, 2008.
“Affordable and Middle Class Housing On Johannesburg’s Mining Sites: A Benefit-Cost Analysis” (with Aly Karam), Development Southern Africa, 2008.
"A Meta Analysis of the Effect Of Environmental Contamination and Positive
Amenities on Residential Property Values," Journal of Real Estate Research (with
Jesse Saginor), (2005).
"Toxic Mold Issues And Effects On Property Values: A Preliminary Analysis,"
(with Ron Throupe) The Appraisal Journal, Spring 2005: 156-166.
"Determining Market Perceptions On Contaminated Residential Property Buyers Using Contingent Valuation Surveys," (with Kimberly Winson-Geideman), Journal of Real Estate Research.27 2:193-220.
“The Effect of Freight Railroad Track Activity on Residential Property Values in Cuyahoga County, Ohio”. (with Abdellaziz El Jaouhari), The Appraisal Journal (Summer 2004: 223-233).
"The Fiscal and Economic Impacts of Housing Rehabilitation on the Local
Economy," (with AJ Magner and Esmail Baku) Journal of Real Estate Research
“Estimating Proximate Property Damage From PCBs In A Rural Market: A
Multiple Techniques Approach.” The Appraisal Journal, (October 2002).
“The Effects of An Oil Pipeline Rupture on Single Family House Prices”. (with Kimberly Winson and Brian Mikelbank), The Appraisal Journal October 2001.
"The Effect of Residential Investment on Nearby Property Values: Evidence from Cleveland, Ohio", (with Chengri Ding and Esmail Baku) Journal of Real Estate Research 19 1/2 . 2000.
"The Effects of Pipeline Ruptures on Non-Contaminated Residential Easement Holding Property in Fairfax County" Appraisal Journal, July 1999.
"The Price and Liquidity Effects of UST leaks from Gas Stations on Residential and Commercial Property Values" (with William Bowen and Arthur Sementelli), Appraisal Journal, April 1999
"The Effects of Pipeline Ruptures on Rural Residential Property with groundwater Contamination and a Negotiated Settlement Package", Real Estate Issues, 1999.
“Brass Mill Mall: Bringing New life to a Brownfield Site in Waterbury,
Connecticut” (with Michael Leccese), Urban Land, June 1998.
"Regulation of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks: Policy Enforcement and Unintended Consequences" (with Arthur Sementelli), Economic Development Quarterly, 1997.
"The Value Impact of Neighborhood Transition on Residential Sales Price", Journal of Real Estate Research, Vol. 15 No 2. (With Roberto Quercia and Ivan Maric) 1997.
"The Effect of Underground Storage Tanks on Residential Property Values." Journal of Real Estate Research, Vol 14 No.1/2 (with William Bowen and Arthur Sementelli), 1997.
"Liquidity and Delayed Transactions with Leaking Underground Storage Tanks: Some Evidence from Cleveland, Ohio" The Appraisal Journal, (with Arthur Sementelli), July 1997.
"Supply and Demand for Brownfields in Great Lakes Cities" (with Don Iannone)
Urban Land, June 1997.
"Jump Starting New Urban Housing Markets: Do the Fiscal Benefits Justify the Public Costs?" (with David Sharkey), Housing Policy Debate, Spring 1997.
"Industrial Real Estate Mortgage Default Experience of the New York State Job Development Authority Second Loan Program: A Preliminary Investigation," AREUEA Journal, (Winter 1994).
"Public Real Estate Management and the Planner's Role," Journal of the American Planning Association, (Summer 1994).
"How Clean is Clean? The Effect of Proposed Governmental Regulations on Vacant and Under-Utilized Inner-City Land Being Recycled in the Residential Market," The Appraisal Journal, (July 1994).
"Public Real Estate Management--Adapting Corporate Practice to the Public Sector: The Experience in Cleveland, Ohio," Journal of Real Estate Research, (Fall 1993).
"Site Attributes in Retail Leasing: An Analysis of a Fast Food Restaurant Market," The Appraisal Journal, (October 1992).
"Comparing Regional Classifications for Real Estate Portfolio Diversification" (with Emil Malizia), Journal of Real Estate Research, (Spring 1991).
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Book Chapters
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Robert Simons presents the historical background, economic conditions, and housing development in South Africa here.
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Other Downloads
For a downloadable copy of Robert Simons' curriculum vitae, please click here.
The Big Matrix is a model developed by Robert Simons that quantitatively estimates losses to property values in most situations. This model is most effectively utilized as a negotiation tool for lawyers to settle cases out of court, and as a way for those contemplating ligitation to evaluate potential case outcomes. Read Dr. Simons' chapter of "When Bad Things Happen to Good Property" about the Big Matrix.
With professors and students of the university, he completed in-depth research on the environmental remediation of former mining sites for low- to moderate-priced housing. Please click here to read "Affordable and Middle Class Housing On Johannesburg’s Mining Sites: A Benefit-Cost Analysis" by Dr. Simons.
Please click here for thoughts and reflections from Dr. Simons' experiences at Witswatersrand University in Johannesburg.
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